

Yesterday I drew a picture of Teruki! (*´`*)


Headband・・・・・★Hello Kitty
T-shirt・・・・・★An Cafe
Shorts・・・・・★Massimo Dutti
Hip pad・・・・・★SEX POT ReVeNGe
Socks・・・・・★Sock shop from Harajuku
Accesories・・・・・★An Cafe, Listen Flavor, Refuse to be usual, TokiDoki, SEX POT ReVeNGe...


I always read all your comments! Thank you for writing them. They are lovely!



  1. waaah, your drawing is so cutee *w*
    and your outfit *-* I want that An Cafe t-shirt too xD

  2. Ohhh m'encanta t'ha quedat molt bé : D! <3
    sgdhgiojdfg jo actalitzaré dissabte amb les noves adquisicions xDD esdfjkjgnd <3

  3. Awwwrr, I wish I could draw too :cc It was such a cute drawing!
    And nice outfit!!! :D:D

  4. uuuh, yo quiero unos calcetines asi pero que sean leggins *___*!!!!
    he visto que has ido varias veces a Japón, vas a volver a ir? *w*

  5. wala pos tenim coses en comú eh? xD
    Jo vaig anar l'estiu passat per anar a veure un concert del meu grup preferit també ^^ (KAT-TUN)
    i ara dintre de tres semanetes tornaré~~ (pero aquesta vegada no coincideixen concerts T_T'')
    Tinc unes ganes d'anar~~ pero pasaré moltísima calor (només recordar-ho hiperventilo xD) y els mosquits em matarán (/T_T)/

  6. Oh your drawing is very cute indeed, great job. And I like your outfit very much as well, especially the hip pad that's so cool!! ^^

  7. cute drawing of teruki~ :3
    i also like your outfit, the hip pad rulez lol


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