
「キング オブ 原宿ダンスロック」  ~いきなりニャッピーレジェンド~

This is a review of An Cafe concert in Nippon Budokan (4th January 2010).
I wrote a review on fotolog but this is my new blog and it needs a review of that day, too♥! o(≧∀≦)o


My mother and I woke up earlier because we couldn't sleep! We were so exited for the concert! ♪ヽ(*´∀`)ノ Then, we left the hotel and went to Shinjuku. We had breakfast in a Starbucks. After that, we took the metro to Nippon Budokan!!ヽ(゚∀゚ヽ 三 ノ゚∀゚)ノ

When we arrived there, a group of cafekkos asked us if we wanted to write something for An Cafe in a big banner and we said YES! haha. Then we got a photo with two of them \(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/ (the boy that was taking the photo was handsome haha (●´艸`)☆)

After that, we saw a HUGE queue of cafekkos. We didn't understand why they were queueing because all of them had numbered tickets (`・∧・´)!! We left the queue because there wasn't any reason to stay there....We just walked a little around Budokan. All Japanese cafekkos turned round to see us (I suppose that it was because we were foreign haha) (〃゚∇゚〃)

Some time after that, we realized that the HUGE queue was for buying the goods...(ノへ^)! So, we started it again! My mother bought our lunch in McDonald's and we ate it while we were queueing. I ate teriyaki hamburger (゚ー゚*). In the end we could buy lovely things!

After buying the merchandise, we went to get our foreign tickets! We had very good ones: 1st row of 1st floor (but in that moment we didn't know that our tickets were as good as they were...) (。´-ω・) They gave us a pair of really cute spoons. These spoons were only for FC and foreign cafekkos.

I also gave my present for An Cafe to someone of the staff (When I entered Budokan I saw my present in An Cafe's box of presents (*・∀・*)♪). I had made some portraits using our photo.

In the afternoon, we met a pair of girls that were from Spain (and Catalonia, too)! One of them was studying in Japan and the other one was her friend. During the concert they translated An Cafe's speeches to me! \(o^▽^o)/

I also met Reina! We had been talking on myspace. She was very kind! (*゚▽゚)

Finally, we entered Budokan! I was so exited!! and then...(゜ロ゜)we saw that our seats were AWESOME Σ(●゚д゚●) ! There were two ramps from the stage to the first floor and one of them ended just in front of us!! When An Cafe came there, I was so close to them (///ω///)
(This is a photo from Fool's Mate magazine)

We could hear An Cafe's "fighting shout" before the concert (#゚ロ゚#)!!All the concert was WONDERFUL! MCs were very cute! I loved one of them where Kanon said "Tiramisu nyappy poppo" and we had to repeat it with Takuya! And then, Kanon said: "Arena!!!" and only the cafekkos from Arena had to sing it! He did the same with first floor and second floor. In the end we sang it all together \(^o\) (/o^)/

Furis were cute! I tried my best! haha. I got touched when I saw that all Budokan was full of Bonds towels, it was VERY nice (#゚ロ゚#)!! In the end of the concert we did 3, 2, 1, Tiramisu Tiramisu!(*・ω・人・ω・*) It was my first time because they hadn't done it in European concerts.

In the last speech, all Budokan was crying. An Cafe members came to the ramp and greeted . When all was over, cafekkos sang Smile Ichiban Ii Onna for An Cafe. They were very shocked and happy.

The Spanish girls and I made a little banner that said "we're from Barcelona o(≧∀≦)o". My mother held it up when An Cafe came to our ramp and Teruki saw it!!

Finally, all cafekkos saw our hope in the screens "SUMMER DIVE 20XX!"

It is a very special memory for me! It's our wedding



  1. Woa!!! Qué linda reseña... me hizo recordar algunos detalles que ya casi había olvidado.

    Qué suerte tuviste en encontrarte gente conocida. A mí no me pasó... por eso mi experiencia tiene un "sabor" diferente (que igual es lindo porque tuve que esforzarme mucho para estar "a la altura" de los japoneses estando yo sola). Mi reseña la tengo en otro lado... pero está más enfocada al concierto... las vivencias del viaje las tenía en el metroflog, pero lo acabo de defecear...

    Y mira! Tienes foto con Reina! Nos tocó sentarnos juntas dentro del Budokan y apenas ahora me entero cómo se llama... resultó que estábamos en el mismo hotel e hicimos juntas la visita guiada a Harajuku (con otra chica de Estados Unidos). *No he sabido de ella desde entonces*

    Yo también madrugué... pero por razones diferentes...

    Gracias! Me hiciste recordar muchos detalles de esa experiencia increíble (y no hablo sólo del concierto sino de todo el viaje).


    Tiramisu ~

  2. que guai tio. Jo un dia podré fer això amb un concert d'Arashi o H&A. *someday*

  3. genial la entrada, que suerte de poder tener recuerdos como éste, sinceramente, yo me habria derrumbado al final del concierto Y_Y

  4. aww TT^TT the last part sounds so sad TT^TT I was wondering what takuya said at the end xD
    still waiting for the nippon budokan dvd <3

  5. Uah hacia dias que no me pasaba por el blog xD
    Muy buena review, esos recuerdos nunca se olvidan, i menos aun si los plasmas :D
    Yo me acuerdo de los dos lives de An Cafe aqui en Barcelona y aun me emociono, no me podia creer que los veria jeje ^___^
    Me he enamorado de las cucharas, en serio! *___*
    Un beso!


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