
♥スマイル一番 イイ♀♥

I have this An Cafe magazine

where there is a test that tell you if you would be the "Smile Ichiban Ii Onna" of Miku, Kanon, Teruki, Yuuki or Takuya. (〃´▽`〃)

I wanted to do this test but it was in Japanese (and it was FULL of Kanji that I can't read...) (T△T)

However...yesterday I found a translation of this test!!!! ((((ノ゚▽゚)ノ
I found it in this tumblr : http://fuckyeahanticcafe.tumblr.com/

It's small but it's readable. (Click on the photo to see it bigger)

My result was...Teruki!!! I was so happy! ♥(人´∀`*)
I know that it's a silly test but I was very happy hahaha (*/∇\*)
When I finished the test, I realized that if I had choosen the other option in the last question, my result would have been Kanon! (#・・#)

Please, do it and tell me your result in a comment! (*゚ー^)ノ


  1. I got takuya o.o

  2. Anda, hasta las revistas japas vienen con estas cosillas XD
    Lo hice por curiosidad i me salio Miku <3

  3. Haha, that's fun. x3
    I got Kanon. lol

  4. Haha, made that test years ago but forgot my result XD now i did it again: Takuya...oh no xDDD

    thanks for following my blog!<3

  5. i got my lovely kanon ♥ ♥


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★