

Today I went to Barcelona and I spent the day with my friend Ida (・∀・)

We went shopping, we made some purikura, we went to a Starbucks... ( ´▽`)

We had lunch in a Japanese restaurant. It was very tasty☆!

It has been a very nice day~~★

I only bought one thing. It's a K-ON badge (*´∀`)


  1. me suenas muuuucho y nose de keeee :O!
    igualmente, gracias por comentar en mi bloog *W*

  2. hmm he visto la comida y fuaf! que hambre! xD
    K-on! aun tengo que acabar la segunda temporada, pero la serie mola un monton!
    un besico!


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★