
Happyness★and★cute things

こんばんは o(≧∀≦)o

I'm so tired right now. I have lots of exams but I write to write some things. (^∀^)

First of all I want to say that the staff who had organized that An Cafe contest (that one that I won!) answered me on twitter! I had said to them ありがとうございます! Muchas gracias! o(≧∀≦)o and today they replied me saying こちらこそ~! ムーチャスグラシアス! . They are very nice and kind! (*´▽`)

Another topic is that I want to show you all my necklaces (*´`*)☆(laughs). The other day I took some photos of them. Do you like them?



  1. Me encantan todas tus collares, me he enamorado perdidamente del donut y de la vaca! dios mio, como se puede ser tan kawaii ;____;
    un besazo guapa1 me encanta este blog! :3

  2. Congrats!!! o(^O^)o
    An who have carried out this contest?

  3. El Donuuuuut *_____________* <333333
    Wah Sarah, pot ser que el senyor Teruki hagi penjat la foto amb el regal del concurs? Flipo enserio, ja era hora eh : D Me'n alegro!
    Saps que he tret un 9 a anglès ;OOOO; no m'ho crec ni jo <3
    Va va a estudiar que no vull sumar una altre recuperació de les 4098034679845789 que tinc ._.

  4. m'encanten*__* m'alegro lineta que t'hagi tocat a tu <3 qui millor si no? <3


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★