

This week I started university. I'm a second-year student☆ In fact, I already have several things to do. I'll do my best!(`・ω・´)/

Last week I saw We Love Japan ustream. This time the guests were Teruki and Kanon. Sakuai also appeared, of course! The upstream started at 4 in the morning in Spain but it was well worth.  I had a to of fun watching it \(*^▽^*)/
先週We Love Japanのユーストを見た。ゲストは輝喜さんとカノンさんだった☆もちろん、櫻井さんも出た☆スペインでユーストは午前4時に始まった。眠かったですけど頑張って、全然寝なかった(笑)ユーストはとても楽しかったよ〜\(*^▽^*)/

I also watched Ryu and Watanabe's ustream. It was interesting, as always!(*^▽^*)

Today I received Ashley's letter. She lives in Holland☆ She sent me very cute presents, too. Thank you! I blurred the letter because... it's a letter haha(・ω・) but you can see that it's very nice (・∀・)

Bye nyappy!o(≧∀≦)o


  1. So cute pics *__* You are so lucky that you have a nice penfriend like your friend who wrote you <3
    I love to get letters too <3
    My second year of education also started so let's so our best! *fighto!*

  2. You look HIDEOUS! your eyebrows are like caterpillars. not cute at all.

  3. Oh, the letter from Ashley is so cute! (・ω・)
    I didn't saw We Love Japan ustream. (>__<) Was it great?

  4. haha k maca surts!^^ quin detall la carta de la teva amiga :3

  5. Hola!
    Vaya! me parece que han cambiado bastante Teruki Y kanon, al menos de cuando yo los seguía y bla bla bla.
    Puedo preguntarte qué estudias? aunque me imagino que algo como traducció o así, ahora que sea biología XD

  6. The photos are edited in a very cute way ☆
    I downloaded the program as well and I'm addicted to it, haha (笑) It's just so cute (^ω^)
    I'm glad you received my letter so soon. Hopefully you like the presents! o(≧∀≦)o

  7. no lo intentes , fracasas en el intento de ser mona.

  8. ~ Magician ✖ of the Silversky ~→Thank you!! Yeah! Let's do our best (ゝд・`)9"゚+。:.゚.:。+ FIGHT゚+。:.゚.:。+

    Karolina→Thank you!! Yes, the ustream was awesome! Anyway, I think you can see the recored version on the We Love Japan web (^∀^)

    ((*natsi*))→Moltes gràcies!! (*^-^*)

    sandra→No sé, supongo! Yo como los he ido siguiendo... (・ω・) Igualmente, de carácter los veo igual que antes ...y de guapos también (//////▽//////)jaja! Bueno, ya te he contestado en tu blog pero estudio Estudios de Asia Oriental (japonés) (^-^)

    Hibiki Hime→Thank you!! (*´∀`*)

    Yuzu→Thank you for your letter! (^-^)


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★