

This summer I visited the 6%DOKIDOKI shop. It's a lovely store and all the things you can find there are super cute!(*^ω^*)

I bought this double ring that I already had seen on the Internet. I really wanted it so when I saw it I had to buy it!!(*>ω<*)♪♪

I could meet Yuka, one of the girls who represents the brand. I asked her if we could take a photo together and she said yes!(^0^)I don't look good in the photo because it was the end of the day and it had been a hot summer day(´-ω-`;) but it's the only one I have and Yuka looks so cute so, that's alright! (^ω^)b


Candy tights☆

Hello! How are you? I'm busy but fine (^∇^)haha☆ Today I took my first exam and I did it well p( ´∇` )q I'm happy! This year some exchange students from Japan are attending our Japanese classes♪♪ All of them are kind(^∀^) There are so many students in  the classroom so we've had to move to a bigger one haha(・ω・) Now we have another teacher (in Japanese classes) that supports our main teacher. Yeah, there are so many of us and it's so fun(・∀・) We're learning a lot of things!☆
みなさん、元気ですか?あたしは忙しいですけど元気ですよ(^∇^)今日試験をした。良くしたp( ´∇` )q嬉しい☆頑張りました♪♪日本から来た留学生に会った。みんなは親切ですよ(^∀^)留学生はクラスに来て、私たち(←日本語を勉強する大学2年生)に手伝う。そして今日本語クラスに先生が二人いる。多い人はいるから、クラスを変えた(笑)今のクラスは大きいです(・∀・)ことをたくさん習ってます☆楽しい!

These are some tights I bought in Shibuya 109. Their pattern is full of candy♪♪♪(*´∀`)
SHIBUYA 109で買ったタイツです。お菓子いっぱいね♪♪♪(*´∀`)笑

Mariona has been to the USA for some days and today she gave me an omiyage (present) she had bought there. Koala biscuits!。:+.゜ヽ(*′ω`)ノ゙。:+.゜ Thank you, Mariona☆


Renewed photos☆

Maybe you have already seen that the photos that I uploaded in the last entry where a little different, they had nice frames and this kind of stuff☆ That's because I downloaded a photo editing program that has a lot of nice and cute tools (・ω・*) It's so useful and enjoy myself a lot when I use it (≧▽≦) The bad thing is that it's only for Windows so I can't use it on my computer because I have a Mac (´^`) Anyway, I installed it on my mother's laptop and I use her computer to edit photos(`・ω・´)b

I edited some photos just to have fun. They look like purikura now!!\(*^-^*)/ Almost all of them are photos the I've already uploaded on the blog.

This is a photo of the meeting we had in Tokyo last mont. Now it has become so sparkling(*`・ω・´*)*:.。. ☆ haha
先月東京にあったオフ会の写真です。キラキラですね(*`・ω・´*)*:.。. ☆笑

This is another photo of the meeting, with Yukirun and Manami (((≧▽≦)八(≧▽≦)八(≧▽≦)))

Manami and Moemii. This one is so pink!(^∀^)

Ryo and Yukirun. They bought some twin outfits that had pandas on their pants so I decorated the image with a panda pattern (゚∇^*)ノ


These are some photos I got with Marina and Ida. I also wanted to decorate a photo with Mariona but I didn't have photos with her in that moment! (( ,,・з・,, )) I'll do it next time♪(*^^)b
そしてこれはマリーナちゃんとイダちゃんと撮った写真です♪(*^^)bマリオナちゃんは出ない。ごめん、マリオナちゃ〜ん(( ,,・з・,, ))笑

I also decorated this photo which I had taken with a huge ice cream ( ̄▽ ̄)haha
大きいアイスちゃんと撮った写真もある( ̄▽ ̄)笑

Finally a photo of Teruki and Chibi Maruko Chan (p^-^q) There were some images of this character in the program and Teruki has written about it on his blog so I wanted to do this kind of photo edition (*`θ´*)笑



This week I started university. I'm a second-year student☆ In fact, I already have several things to do. I'll do my best!(`・ω・´)/

Last week I saw We Love Japan ustream. This time the guests were Teruki and Kanon. Sakuai also appeared, of course! The upstream started at 4 in the morning in Spain but it was well worth.  I had a to of fun watching it \(*^▽^*)/
先週We Love Japanのユーストを見た。ゲストは輝喜さんとカノンさんだった☆もちろん、櫻井さんも出た☆スペインでユーストは午前4時に始まった。眠かったですけど頑張って、全然寝なかった(笑)ユーストはとても楽しかったよ〜\(*^▽^*)/

I also watched Ryu and Watanabe's ustream. It was interesting, as always!(*^▽^*)

Today I received Ashley's letter. She lives in Holland☆ She sent me very cute presents, too. Thank you! I blurred the letter because... it's a letter haha(・ω・) but you can see that it's very nice (・∀・)

Bye nyappy!o(≧∀≦)o


Hello nyappy☆

It was Bou's birthday on the 16th. Nyappy Birthday, Bou!!o(≧∀≦)o It was nice when everybody was tweeting about his birthday. Definitely, Twitter is my favorite web☆ Twitter has made me feel closer to An Cafe and has given me the opportunity to know so many people, people who have become an important part of my live. Sometimes a simple tweet can make me feel very happy(*´▽`*) Maybe some people can't understand my feelings but they're so truthful. Some people can only love the ones who live near them but I can also love people who live very far from me, and this is a true feeling(*ゝω・´*) However when I think about the people who live far away from me I can't avoid thinking "I want to see you now!"(´・ω・`)


Today I was in Barcelona with my mother (´∀`) First we went to the Japanese café and we had breakfast there.

 I had match roll cake. So delicious! (*´ω`*)

 I had been looking for some shoes and today I found them. I really like creepers but they were much cheaper than the creepers you can usually find out there. That's because I bought them in...H&M! Yes, it's true!(☆o◎) I was so happy when I saw them ヽ(  ´  ∇  `  )ノ ワーイ
欲しかった靴を見つけた〜!クリーパーの靴はめっちゃカッコイイね☆でもいつも高い。しかし今日安いクリーパーを見つけた..........H&Mのお店で!マジでーーーーー(☆o◎)とても嬉しくなったよヽ(  ´  ∇  `  )ノ ワーイ

 I also bought a Hello Kitty planner for university. It's very cute! I also got these cat stickers ~(=^・ω・^)

These are some photos I got today in Barcelona.

I also bought some cute Japanese fabrics at Nunoya (●´∀`)
ぬのやのお店で日本の布地を買った。素敵ですね〜 (●´∀`)

Then we had lunch at UDON. We ate ramen and my dessert was a matcha mocha (。・∀・。)


Memories of Japan☆

These are some photos I got in Asakusa last month☆ It was a very hot day but everything was lovely (p´∀`q)

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*

I also want to show you this |ω・´●)つ☆It's a matcha frappuccino but we had it in a cafe at Ginza, so it was different from a matcha frapuccino from Starbucks. Anyway, both of them are delicious! ヾ○´∀`)人(´∀`●ノThis one had cream and azuki, too☆ So good (*´∀`*)

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*

Finally, these are all the K-ON goods I got this summer in Japan( *′ω`p)q A Mugi ruler and straps, a Ritsu figure and pencil and an obento of all the members. Who is your favourite character of K-ON? I like all of them(´・Д・`*) They are all so cute☆ I feel identified with Mugi because both of us have big eyebrows (o`・∀・´o)笑
最後に、日本で買ったけいおんのグッズも見せたい( *′ω`p)qムギちゃんの定規とストラップ、りつちゃんのフィギュアとシャープペンシルとけいおんのみんなのお弁当を買った。けいおんで誰が一番好きですか?あたしはみんなが好きですよ(´・Д・`*)wみんな可愛いね☆ムギちゃんとあたしは同じです。。大きい眉毛を持ってるから!(o`・∀・´o)笑


(ノ*・▽・)ノ~Every day happy~ヽ(・▽・*ヽ)

Hello nyappy!o(≧∀≦)o

Some days ago I went to have dinner in a restaurant with my parents. The restaurant had an American atmosphere and the food was good!°+(*´∀`)b°+°

εεεε (っ´ゝз・)っ゙゚+.゚☆Food!
εεεε (っ´ゝз・)っ゙゚+.゚☆食べ物!

*:゜☆゜:。*。 *:゜☆゜:。*。 *:゜☆゜:。*。
*:゜☆゜:。*。 *:゜☆゜:。*。 *:゜☆゜:。*。
*:゜☆゜:。*。 *:゜☆゜:。*。 *:゜☆゜:。*。
*:゜☆゜:。*。 *:゜☆゜:。*。 *:゜☆゜:。*。

Recently I did my nails(○^▽^○) I had bought these little bright stones for a very low price. Only 0.75 euros each pack!Σq|゚Д゚|p

Do you like doing your nails or make up in general??☆ I would like to be more skillful when it comes to make up stuff but I suppose that I'll improve if I keep practising it ファ━━━(9・Д・)9━━━イト!!! Ah, this is how the nails turned out! Do you like them?|ω・*)
マニキュアすることが好きですか?メイクアップも好きですか?☆メイクアップが上手になりたい。頑張ったら、上手になると思う★ファ━━━(9・Д・)9━━━イト!!! あ、これは自分でしたマニキュアです。好きですか?|ω・*)

Bye nyappy!!(*ノ´∀`)ノ‥‥…━━━━━☆