
happy birthday☆

Today I spent the day with Mariona, Ida and Marina. We celebrated Mariona's birthday even though her birthday was last month! haha(-^□^-)

We went shopping (but I didn't buy almost anything), and then we went to have lunch. I ate takoyaki! I always eat the same but it's so tasty (*;_;*) haha

and I also ate sushi(*^o^*) It was delicious☆

I ate matcha ice cream, too (‐^▽^‐)

Then we went to Starbucks o(^▽^)o

I drank orange juice★

In the afternoon Mariona, Ida and I went to take some purikura  (*^ー^) We met Natàlia there★
それからマリオナちゃんとイダちゃんとプリクラを撮りました (*^ー^) あそこでナターリアちゃんに会いました★

It has been a nice day! We gossiped a lot haha ヾ(^▽^)ノ


  1. Oh I really like the purikura picture! (^O^)/ I really want to take purikura more often, but we don't have any of the machines here. And the food looks delicious, too! I really want to try takoyaki someday!~ What's it made of actually? I know that it is something with octopus in it, but what sort of sauce is it and stuff?

  2. hahaha encara sort que has tret les pilotes de genolls a la foto xDDDDD quina por
    podria menjar takoyaki cada dia.......sip sip^^

  3. gahh all those yummy fweds make me so hungry now lol! I wanna try takoyaki one day too! :)

  4. Yuzu→Yeah! Takoyaki is delicious! Yes, it's made of octopus. I searched takoyaki on wikipedia. I think that you'll find a lot of useful information about it here (^O^) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takoyaki
    Mariona→Jajajajaja, es que feia por aquella foto (>∀<)
    RiA SPiRAL→Yes (^O^) You should try it some day. It's so tasty!

  5. All that food looks so good! *3* you're making me hungry haha!! I miss eating takoyaki... ;w; you can never find it anywhere where i live!!

    I also, I like how you type in English and Japanese! It's inspiring me to study more haha ^^

    Thanks for the comment! I love your blog~


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