

Classes are over!(*゚∇^*) However, I still have to do two more exams. Do you have summer holidays? What will you do during summer holidays? (*^-^*)

Yesterday I got a reply from Kanon on Twitter! o(≧∀≦)o I'm so happy!! I asked him which was his favourite couple of the anime Sekai ichi hatsukoi (a BL anime). I've already talked about this anime here, on my blog. He said that his favourite couple was the main one, Onodera x Takano (*´∀`*人*´∀`*)
昨日カノンさんはリプライを送ってくれましたo(≧∀≦)oとても嬉しかった!!ここにツイートはある↓BLのアニメを話していた( ´艸`)w

By the way, have you seen this web?→ http://www.visitjapan.jp/eng/index.html Once you are on this web, if you press a black button that says "Tokyo Pop Culture Spots, you'll find a type of pdf which is a guide of some parts of Tokyo. This guidebook was made by various famous people, like Kanon and Sakurai☆
このサイトを見たことがあるの?→ http://www.visitjapan.jp/eng/index.html このサイトに入るとき、黒いボタンを見るね。このボタンの中にこの言葉があるね→「Tokyo Pop Culture Spots」。このボタンを押したら、東京のガイドブックを見ることができるね☆カノンさんや櫻井さんや他の有名な人はこのガイドブックを作った。

In this guidebook you can find some maps where this famous people say what are their favourite places of different area of Tokyo. It's so cool!(^ω^*)

See you soon (´∀`*)ノ


  1. wiiii ^^ que mona que ets!
    anims, que nomes queden dos examens!!!

  2. Jo també vull acabar els examens ja (i que em vagin estupendament gràcies que més em val o kdlfmg)
    jo no em puc decidir per una parella de sekaiichi :_D m'agraden totes(?)

  3. Oh, Summer Holidays are cool!
    I'm going to visit the mountains this summer, but as I work I can be there just about a week (^^)"

    Good luck in your passing the exams! ^O^

    P.S. Thank you for the link on the "guide of Tokyo"!

  4. thats good that classes are of but sux you still have 2 exams hope they go good
    BTW where did u get all them an cafe pics cause i cant get any down in Australia do u know any good sites or anything ?

  5. mirala ella siempre tan mona *o*!

  6. Porfavor!Como no iva a contestar Kanon a la fan más pesada,acosadora,agobiante y stalker del mundo An Cafe!

  7. ^^ eeeeh m'aagraden molt com t'han quedat les fotos :D molt maca!!!!

    sisisi ens queda poquet poquet ja *O*we~~

  8. Mariona→Gràcies! Sii! L'últim esforç abans de les vacances (^O^)/

    김은화♡→ Segur que t'aniran molt bé!(^-^)/ ☆Jo tampoc, potser quan acabem l'anime (no vull que s'acabi ;_; ) podrem dir quina és la que ens agrada més haha (・∀・) Per cert, avui és divendres...això vol dir que avui a la nit ja podrem veure el capítol nou! (‐^▽^‐)わーい!

    Yoru_no_Akari→Thanks for your comment! I hope you have a great time during your summer holidays o(≧∀≦)o

    NYAPPY-PRINCESS→Thanks! o(≧∀≦)o I've bought my posters in different places (in concerts and in anime&manga conventions, for example). Some of them came with Japanese magazines. Some friends gave me two of the posters that I own (^_^)

    ((*natsi*))→ Gracias!! (/ω\)

    Anonymous→Pues la verdad es que yo estoy muy contenta de que me haya contestado ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ No creo que Kanon piense todo eso sobre mi (no creo que piense nada en concreto sobre mi (・ω・;;)haha). Si se hubiera sentido incómodo, no me habría contestado (^_^;)

    Marina→Gràcies!! Sí, queda poc! haha (*^▽^*)

  9. la psicopata me contesta de manera falsa , que feliz soy ^0^

  10. You're sooo pretty!

  11. well you lucky i cant get ANY an cafe stuff here it so suxs

  12. Your pictures are so cute.(^ω^)

    I have holidays on 13.6. - 17.6. but my summer holydays are on 11.7. - 24.8.
    I'll working for my trip nach japan (next year ♥) ^o^

    Sorry, my english is bad. (;_;)
    I hope you can understand me ♥

    Bye Nyappy! o(≧∀≦)o

  13. Nyappy→ !! Thank you (/ω\)

    NYAPPY-PRINCESS→ Maybe you could try to buy some An Cafe goods on the Internet o(≧∀≦)o

    ♥CandyDoll♥☆♪→ Thank you!! (/ω\) Don't worry, your English isn't bad! I also make mistakes when I write or talk in English (^ω^)

  14. I want such a VW shirt too QQ;;

  15. btw thanks 4 the idea i looked and found some things :)


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★