

Hello! How are you? Yesterday I went to see Harry Potter last film! ☆ What type of films do you like?(・ω・)

Yesterday I saw a video that some cafekko had made for Teruki☆ In fact, some fans from different countries have shot videos like that for An Cafe but I really wanted to see that one because I knew most of the cafekko who appeared on it (´∀`) A message that I had written also appeared on the video. The video was organized and edited by Hamatteru but a lot of different people appeared on it! o(^-^)o

Some days ago it was Kanon's birthday party. Yuuko was very kind to send some tweets to some cafekko to tell us that she had written about the party on her blog!(^∇^) You can read that entry here: http://ameblo.jp/yuko831/entry-10953941709.html
この間ゆうこさんはアメブロにカノンさんの誕生日パーティーについて書いた。そしてゆうこさんはツイッターでカフェっ仔に「ブログを書いた」と言った。教えてくれてありがとう(^∇^)これはパーティーのエントリです→ http://ameblo.jp/yuko831/entry-10953941709.html

I also received a tweet from Miku yesterday!★ Manami and I were talking about magical girls anime because of the image that Miku had uploaded on Twitter. In fact, we were talking about Sailor Moon. I asked them who their favourite character of Sailor Moon was and Miku answered that "Venus, of course!" haha (・∀・). What's your favourite character of Sailor Moon? My favourite one is Seiya!

I was given these things recently. It's a make-up set, some socks and some eyelashes but I think that I'm not very skilfull at using eyelashes because I can't manage to put them on correctly ・°・(ノД`)・°・ haha

See you☆


  1. What do you think of last Harry Potter movie? (´∀`)

  2. Holaaaa! Tu blog es muy chulo, me paso a veces y veo tantas cosas kawaii... *3*

    Yo también soy de Barcelona! me puedes decir donde esta ese restaurante japonés que hace comida con tan buena pinta? (que te lo he visto en algunas fotos haha :3)

  3. I think you don't need make-up and fake eye lashes! You always look beautiful :3

  4. Anonymous(1)→I like it! In fact, I'm not a fan of Harry Potter but I like it. I had already seen all the other films and I also had read some of the books so I wanted to see the last film, too (^_^)

    Anonymous(2)→Muchas gracias!! o(≧∀≦)o Pues normalmente cuando quedo con amigas vamos a un restaurante que se llama Sushi Ya, está en la calle d'En Quintana (justo delante de un restaurante muy famoso que se llama Can Culleretes). Es una calle muy estrechita.☆★☆El otro día fuimos a otro que se llama Wasabi porque queríamos comer okonomiyaki (no hay en Sushi Ya). Wasabi está en la calle Torrent de l'Olla (número 8). ☆★☆ Ah, hay takoyaki en los dos! (・∀・)

    Ruki→Thank you very much!!(ノω・、) You're very kind (●´ω`●)

  5. Loved the stockings and the creepers! ADORABLE outfit ^_^

  6. el pantalon tiene pinta de explotar

  7. I still have to see the last Harry Potter film, I hope it's a good movie (^ω^)
    Your outfit is great, the shirt is so cute! ☆
    Do you have a link to the vid that Hamatteru made? I'd love to see it!
    It's great that Miku replied to you again, congrats! o(≧∀≦)o I've never watched Sailor Moon, so I don't really know the characters names and stuff (>_<) There are still a lot of animes that I want to watch but I always forget to! haha
    The make-up set looks very cute ★ Good luck with applying the eyelashes! I'm sure they'll look great on you~

  8. me habian hablado de tu blog pero nunca habia entrado!
    chica vaya imagen que das de las cafekko! parecemos unas locas que escriben en su diario cada vez que uno de ellos o de su staff dicen algo, madre mia! y pensar que eres mas mayor que io!
    porcierto,tu eres miembro de ancafe spain?

  9. Hello Sarah <3

    I will see the last Harry Potter movie on frieday *-*
    I'm so nervous. :D hehe~

    I love Sailor Moon very much ♥
    This Anime/Manga makes me strong. *-*
    Do you know what I mean? ^o^~
    My favourit character is "Sailor Moon"&"Venus"
    So lovely persons :D.

    I hope you have a nice day.
    Bye Nyappy ^o^

  10. Hibiki Hime→Thank you very much!!(*^∀^*)

    nyappyyuzu→Thanks!!(*^∀^*) I don't have the link of the video, sorry (>_<) Anyway, I have the video on my iPod so I will show it to you if we meet each other one day, ok?(・∀・)

    ♥CandyDoll♥☆♪→Thank you! (*^∀^*) Yes, I know what you mean! I really like Sailor Moon, too☆

  11. ur shirt is so cutee!!!!

    bambi-style.blogspot.com xx

  12. わぁ~!DVDのことを書いてくれてありがとう><




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