
Happy day and a reply☆

Yesterday I spent the day in Barcelona with Marina, Mariona and Ida ヽ(^▽^)人(^▽^)人(^▽^)人(^▽^)ノ

Marina and me↑

Mariona and me↑

Ida and me↑

We went browsing at some stores but not that much as we usually do because this time we had lunch in a different restaurant. This restaurant was pretty far from where we were so we had to walk a lot! (´Д`)haha

We decided to go to that restaurant because they make okonomiyaki and Ida and I wanted to eat it (*^o^*;) It was my first time eating it and I liked it! ☆

This is the okonomiyaki I ate↑

I also had matcha ice cream, of course! (´0ノ`*) haha

Then we went to Starbucks. This time I drank Frappuccino (^0^)

I decided to take some photos of Barcelona because I know that some of the people who read this blog don't live here and I think it might be interesting (・ω・) Would you like to visit Barcelona?

Can you find Sagrada Família in the last photo?↑

My friends had to leave early but we had fun anyway! Then I met my parents and I stayed in Barcelona for a while. I bought some things. I wanted to buy a Kera magazine but there weren't any left (ノω・、) but there were some gyaru magazines so, in the end, I bought an Egg. I think it's interesting! (・ω・)
友達は早く帰宅しなければならなかったけど、昨日は楽しかったですね!ありがとう☆それから両親に会って、色々な物を買った。KERAの雑誌を買いたかったけど、なかった(ノω・、)しかしEGGの雑誌を買った。面白いですよ (・ω・) 

I also bought these two nail polishes☆

I bought this T-shirt, too, because it's very funny (≧▽≦) hahaha

I also got the Japanese books that I need for my next university year which starts next September! "Minna no Nihongo 2" and "Basic Kanji Book 2". Here you can see the books I used during the first course (the red ones) and the ones I'm going to use next course (the greenish ones).

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*

This week I got a reply from Kanon on Twitter! I'm very happy o(≧∀≦)o We were talking about a video of the last convention he attended to in America where he did "kamehameha". He told me that he didn't remember the greeting he had to say in English and that's why he did that kamehameha instead ( ´艸`) haha☆ You can see the video→here

今週カノンさんからリプライをもらった。嬉しかったよ!o(≧∀≦)oみなさん、このビデオを見たら、カノンさんのツイートを分かると思う('-^*)/→ ビデオ  ★はい、アメリカのイベントでカノンさんはかめはめ波をしたw!だからビデオを見たとき、笑った!wそしてカノンさんこれをリプライした(*^p^*)カノンさん可愛い〜☆


  1. LA SAMARRETA ES GENIAL XD molt per tu !
    eh tio quin fastic de foto DDDDDD:

  2. jajaja la samarreta!!

    eeeeh porque salgo tan horrilemente maaal ;O;??

  3. *-* I like your outfit. <3 So cool and sweet.
    I think the EGG magazine is very interesting and cool, too.
    (^o^) Do you like Gyaru-kei? ♥
    Your new T-Shirt is very funny. haha~
    cute cute <3
    nice pictures ♥

    have a nyappy day ♥

  4. omg what can I say.. I really love the style of your clothes so much. Also the shoes from your other Blog *___* I just love them soooo much >////<
    You looks pretty cute in clothes like this ♥

  5. hahahaaa vaya careto xDDDD
    la samarreta es genial!!!

  6. I love your t-shirt so much, (the one you're wearing) and the one you bought too!.

    I like so much that long t-shirts *3*

  7. 김은화♡→Vaig pensar que feia gràcia la samarreta jajaja (´∀`) Quina foto? La que surts tu? Però si quasi no se't veu!! (-ω-) I la part que es veu, surts bé (°∀°)b

    Marina→Ja estàs com la Ida! Que sortiu bé! (>o<) jaja (´∀`)

    ♥CandyDoll♥☆♪→Thank you! I think gyaru fashion is very interesting but don't follow it. Anyway, I would like to be that skilful at doing make-up! haha o(^-^)o

    ~ Magician ✖ of the Silversky ~→Thank you!! You're very kind (*^▽^*)

    mariona→Però si surts bé!!(・ω・´)

    Ètoile→Thanks!! I like long T-shirts, too o(≧∀≦)o

  8. Uaaaaa quina pinta el menjar *¬* tinc ganes de tornar T_T

    m'encanta la samarreta xDDD

    Ja queda menys pero poder veure't!!!

  9. Per cert, m'he fet un blog, ara toca actualitzar-lo xDDD

  10. Nuriko→Gràcies!! Ja et segueixo el blog (^O^) ja et comentaré quan actualitzis (*^▽^*)

  11. I LOVE the blog T Shirt you bought!

  12. haha aquesta samarreta la vaig veure jo també i hem va encantar! x3

    ai tu i les teves amigues sempre tant mones *-*!

  13. Mari-chan→Thanks!!(^ω^)

    ((*natsi*))→Gràcies! (^▽^)


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