
London and Teruki's reply☆

The other day I wrote about kanon×kanon tea party and live in London☆ Today I want to show you some photos I took in London(^O^)/

With my mother. We went from the airport to Victoria station by train↑↑↑

↑↑↑Victoria station↓↓↓

The underground↓↓↓

Around the hotel and the concert venue↓↓↓

Food and several places↓↓↓

We went to Camden, too↓↓↓

I took a photo like the K-ON characters, I sent it to Teruki and he replied to me. I think he got surprised (*´θ`*) and I was very happy (*´∀`*) K-ON movie is getting closer, isn't it?☆


  1. Hola!!
    anda!! así que a Londres!!!
    cómo mola!!!
    me han gustado mucho las fotos, yo nunca he estado...así que me gusta verlas, sobre todo las de las comidas!!
    dios mío...los pastelitos rosas...ñam!!
    fue tu madre contigo?? qué madre tan guay tienes!!
    no sé si la mía lo haría...XD
    nos vemos!!!

  2. The pictures you took at London are all great! I want to go there again (>_<)
    Congrats on the reply o(≧∀≦)o
    I'd love to see what you bought in London!

  3. gfsfdafg els pastissos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jiji quina bona pinta ^^

  4. Oh my gawd, you watch K-On too!! I wanted to go to Camden Town just to take a picture as well last week but I had to go back to my university. I guess I can go there to take a picture anytime haha. Anyway I went to the K-On school while I was in Japan and hopefully I can upload my pictures soon!

    -the guy you met during the kanon x kanon concert in London.

  5. Sandra→Sí, fui con mi madre (・∀・) Ya ves, que buena pinta los pasteles! Aunque al final no comí ninguno de esos por falta de tiempo ( ´ ▽ ` ) jajaja

    Yuzu→ Thanks!! ( ´∇` ) I didn’t buy many things in London. I was there just for 2 days ( ´ ▽ ` )haha

    Marina→Sí! Però no em va donar temps de provar-ne cap (;;) jajaja

    Ongnardo→ Hi!! Thanks for the comment (^O^)/ Ooh, did you go to K-ON school?! That’s so cool o(≧∀≦)o I’m looking forward to K-ON movie! I really enjoyed the anime o(^∀^)o

  6. oh you have the lovliest hair <333


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