
Nyappy birthday to me☆

On the 27th of January it was my 20th birthday. I received a lot of messages and tweets (*´ω`*) I was very happy!! Thank you to all of you ヽ(*  ´  ∇  `  *)ノ
1月27日は私の誕生日だった。20歳になった。メッセージやツイートをたくさんもらった(*´ω`*)とても嬉しくなったよ!!皆さん、 ありがとうございました!ヽ(*  ´  ∇  `  *)ノ

I received this Rilakkuma bag and pencilcase from my parents (o´∀`o) 

I also got these beautiful flowers from my grandparents (o^∇^o)

I also received some cards and some money from my parents and grandparents. Some days ago I also got this card from Ashley ☆

Mego drew me!! Thank you very much!! (o^^o) I think she’s skilful at drawing☆

Moreover, I received a birthday peta from Teruki (*´θ`*)(*´θ`*)(*´θ`*)


Today I went to Barcelona with Mariona, Marina and Ida ☆

In the morning we went to have breakfast at a Japanese bakery. I ate a matcha roll cake and I drank a cappuccino. It was very good (´∀`)

Then we went shopping but I didn’t buy anything haha

Afterwards, we went to have lunch at a Japanese restaurant because we love Japanese food!! ヽ(´▽`)ノ

I got some presents from the friends I met today! Thank you very much!!! (★>U<★)

The presents I got from Mariona↑

The present I got from Marina↑

We also went to a Chinese New Year event. Even though it was raining, we could enjoy it ヽ( ´▽)ノ
今日、旧正月のイベントにも行った。雨が降っていても、楽しんだヽ( ´▽)ノ


  1. Nyappy Birthday! o(≧∀≦)o You got some very nice presents and it seems like you had a great day☆
    The Rilakkuma pencil case and bag are so cute!
    I also wanted to go to a Chinese New Year event last Monday but it was cancelled in the end (´・ω・`)

    1. Thank you!☆
      What a pity that that Chinese New Year event was cancelled (>_<)

  2. Nyappy Birthday! `to you o(≧∀≦)o

  3. Owwwh I totally missed that it was your birthday!
    Happy belated birthday Sarah >///<
    It seems like you really enjoyed your day ^__^
    And this gift looks all so cute <3

  4. *O*
    belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you *~(^.^)~*
    so pretty presents ~especially the paper wrapping :3

  5. Hola!!
    vaya, cuántos regalos y me gustan todos, especialmente
    lo de Rilakkuma.
    De todas formas las flores también me gustan mucho y creo que esas son muy bonitas.
    Tengo un par de bolis muy parecidos a los que te regaló tu amiga, cuántos regalitos, qué bien.
    Oh, qué interesante lo del año nuevo chino, aquí no hay nada de eso

    1. Gracias! (^ω^) Lo del año nuevo chino fue interesante (^O^)

  6. Hey :)
    I just started reading your blog recently but I enjoyed since the first time :) I really like to read your experiences. We share the love for the japanese culture and I also like to listen to AnCafe sometimes.

    I see you're studying japanese at university, that was what I wanted to do, but my country (Portugal, we're almost neighbours xD) doesn't offer big choices in Asian-related studies -and I live in the south, so it's even more hard, there's nothing here-

    And (sorry for the comment being too long xD) I wish every mother was like yours, because she supports you in everything you do and helps you to follow your dreams. She seems to be a wonderful lady :D

    Sorry for the intervention :b

    1. Thanks for reading my blog and for writing this comment o(≧∀≦)o

      What a pity that there aren't any Asian Studies in Portugal (>_<) I hope you can learn Japanese in a school of languages or on your own (^ω^)

      Thanks! Yes, I also think my mother is a very nice person (^^)

  7. qué way cuántos regalitos!!me encanta desenvolverlos!!jiji
    y qué gracioso el doraemon infiltrado en la comida xD

  8. Oh wow, Happy Birthday~!

    & nice pictures, it looked like lots of fun~☆


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★