
Nyappy birthday to me☆

On the 27th of January it was my 20th birthday. I received a lot of messages and tweets (*´ω`*) I was very happy!! Thank you to all of you ヽ(*  ´  ∇  `  *)ノ
1月27日は私の誕生日だった。20歳になった。メッセージやツイートをたくさんもらった(*´ω`*)とても嬉しくなったよ!!皆さん、 ありがとうございました!ヽ(*  ´  ∇  `  *)ノ

I received this Rilakkuma bag and pencilcase from my parents (o´∀`o) 

I also got these beautiful flowers from my grandparents (o^∇^o)

I also received some cards and some money from my parents and grandparents. Some days ago I also got this card from Ashley ☆

Mego drew me!! Thank you very much!! (o^^o) I think she’s skilful at drawing☆

Moreover, I received a birthday peta from Teruki (*´θ`*)(*´θ`*)(*´θ`*)


Today I went to Barcelona with Mariona, Marina and Ida ☆

In the morning we went to have breakfast at a Japanese bakery. I ate a matcha roll cake and I drank a cappuccino. It was very good (´∀`)

Then we went shopping but I didn’t buy anything haha

Afterwards, we went to have lunch at a Japanese restaurant because we love Japanese food!! ヽ(´▽`)ノ

I got some presents from the friends I met today! Thank you very much!!! (★>U<★)

The presents I got from Mariona↑

The present I got from Marina↑

We also went to a Chinese New Year event. Even though it was raining, we could enjoy it ヽ( ´▽)ノ
今日、旧正月のイベントにも行った。雨が降っていても、楽しんだヽ( ´▽)ノ



Yesterday I saw Kanon’s ustream. The ustream started at 9 pm (Japan's time) and I arrived home at 8:59! I arrived on time!! (*`▽´*)v wahaha! The guests were two seiyuu and, previously there was another guest who talked about a web that is dedicated to Japanese Pop Culture. Spark and the Maid were also there ☆ It was an interesting ustream! o(^-^)o Kanon is very cool, don’t you think so? (*´∀`*) and he is very stylish, too☆ 
昨日カノンさんのユーストを見た。ユーストは日本時間の21時に始まった。そして私は家に日本時間の20時59分に着いた〜☆間に合ったよ (*`▽´*)v ☆やった!(笑) ゲストは二人の声優だった。そして他のゲストは日本のポップカルチャーのサイトについて話した。スパークさんとメイドさんもいた☆面白いユーストだったo(^-^)o☆カノンさんはかっこいいね(*´∀`*)そしてカノンさんのスタイルもいつもかっこいい〜☆


The other day I bought these things in Barcelona. Do you know Bakuman? I think that it’s an interesting manga (^-^)☆


Giveaway winner and Barcelona☆

The Giveaway has ended and the winner is…RyO!!!! (*^▽^)/ Congrats!! ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ I’ve sent you an e-mail. Answer it to me as soon as possible, please m(_ _)m
Giveawayは終わった〜☆勝者は・・・RyOさんですよ!!!(*^▽^)/おめでとう!! ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ RyOさん、メールを送った。早く返信してくださいm(_ _)m


Today I went to Barcelona with my parents(^ω^) This is the outfit I wore today ↓

I ate this little matcha chocolate bar. I usually buy the big version of it but I just wanted something to eat at that time because I was hungry (ι´Д`)ノhaha

Then we went to have lunch at a Japanese restaurant. I hadn’t been for years! I ate gyoza and ramen☆

↑As a dessert I ate azuki and matcha ice cream. It was very good!! (*´∀`*) The shape of the ice cream reminds me of an octopus ヾ(((o^Θ^o)))ノ hahaha

Bye nyappy☆



Hello everyone! How are you? (^o^)/
皆さんこんばんは〜!元気ですか? (^o^)/

Some days ago I got some KONAD items. Do you know KONAD? It’s a brand that sells things related to manicure.
この間ネットでKONADの物を買った。KONADを知っているの? (・ω・)マニキュアの物を売るブランドです☆

Today I used KONAD for the first time. Do you think the result turned out to be nice? (・ω・)
今日初めてKONADを使った。どう思いますか?マニキュアが素敵になったと思いますか? (・ω・)

This week I received Ashley’s letter (^-^)↓

My parents bought these cakes. They look nice, don't they? Moreover, they were tasty ♪ (●^ω^●)
↑両親はケーキを買った。とても可愛かったよね。それに美味しかった♪ (●^ω^●)

Bye bye (*^-^*)ノシ


★Photos☆Hello Kitty box★

These are some photos that I’ve recently taken ♪ (●^ω^●)
これは最近撮った写真です♪ (●^ω^●)

Moreover, I also want to show you the Hello Kitty box that I bought last month at Oysho. I really like it!! It’s so cute and useful (*>∀<*)



Last summer in Japan I received these PRETZ from Yukirun. When I came back to Spain I ate them but I forgot to upload the photos on the blog (^^;) Sorry! m(_ _)m However, today I’ve uploaded them! ☆ It was a very delicious snack ( ´ ▽ ` ) I can remember its good taste well ♪(*´∀`*)
去年の夏に日本に行ってゆきるんにこのPRETZをもらった。スペインに帰ったら、PRETZを食べたけど、まだブログに写真をうpしなかったね。忘れちゃった(^^;)ごめん!m(_ _)mでも今日はやっとうpした〜☆本当に美味しかった( ´ ▽ ` ) あの美味しい味をよく覚えている♪(*´∀`*)

The flavour is “Ogura toast”. Ogura toast is a typical food from Nagoya☆

To eatt this PRETZ correctly, you should put the azuki on the PRETZ itself first. Then, you can eat them! (●^ω^●)Bon appetite .。.:*☆

If one day I go to Nagoya, I would like to eat Ogura toast! (●´∀`)