My Mac got broken down again! (´д`lll) It was the hard-drive once again. The Mac itself worked very well but it was constantly failing in this way. We took the Mac to Apple store and the staff said that we could change the computer! So now I have a MacBook Pro and I'm very happy with it!(*^-^)b
この間もう一度Appleのお店に行った。私のMacは大丈夫じゃなかったから。。(´д`lll)悲しかったよ。。でもAppleのスタッフさんはとても親切だったよ。Macを変えた☆そして今MacBook Proを持ってますよ!いいねー(*^-^)b嬉しいよ☆
この間もう一度Appleのお店に行った。私のMacは大丈夫じゃなかったから。。(´д`lll)悲しかったよ。。でもAppleのスタッフさんはとても親切だったよ。Macを変えた☆そして今MacBook Proを持ってますよ!いいねー(*^-^)b嬉しいよ☆
Yesterday I saw the upstream of Saikin Do and Ryu! o(^▽^)oRyu was their guest☆ It was interesting but I couldn't see the last part because I had to leave. What a pity! (´・ω・`)
昨日Saikin Do x Ryuのユーストを見たo(^▽^)oリュウさんはゲストだった☆面白かったですよ!でも最後を見たことができなかった。残念ですね(´・ω・`)
The beginning of the classes is getting nearer every day! This summer has been so good. When I think about it I feel that I have a lot of power for this new school year(*`・ω・´*) I want to keep learning a lot of things at university and become good at Japanese! I want to go to Japan again and talk to everyone a lot ! This makes me study harder! I'll do my best!(*`・ω・´*)