Yesterday my mother and I took part in the ustream called World Visual-kei Summit 0.1 which was organized by Sakurai Takamasa (^∇^) The special guest of this ustream was Teruki Nagata from An Cafe! o(≧∀≦)o In the end, I could take some photos by myself (the ones you can see first). At the end of this post there are some more photos that were taken by Hamatteru, An Cafe Mexico and Sara Diana (Oirisyelar).
昨日母と私はWorld Visual-kei Summit 0.1のユーストに出た(^∇^) 櫻井さんはこのユーストをしました。そして輝喜さんはゲストだったo(≧∀≦)o私は写真を撮ることができました↓まず私が撮った写真をうpした。それから濱っ輝ちゃんとメキシコのカフェっ仔が撮った写真もうpした☆
It all started when I received an e-mail from Sakurai telling me if I wanted to take part in this ustream. He also sent this e-mail to other cafekko from different countries. Of course, I said "yes!"♪(●′▽`)ノ Then Sakurai's assistant got in contact with me by e-mail and he explained to me all I needed to know about the ustream.
As you can see, there was a big screen and we were reflected there. A cafekko from Brazil and a cafekko from Mexico were also invited. There were also some cafekko from Japan there (in that room). Sakurai asked some questions to Teruki. Some of these questions had been sent by cafekko all over the world on the Internet. We could also ask a question!(*´∀`*) I asked what kind of halls Teruki preferred, small ones or big ones like Budokan. He said that he liked both, the two of them had good things.
Other people asked questions like the differences between Japanese fans and foreign fans, if Teruki would go to some countries (like Brazil or to the event called Salon del Manga which is is Barcelona). Teruki said that he would like to come to Salon del Manga。:*:・(*´ω`) and Sakurai said that he (Sakurai) perhaps would come again (^-^〃)♪
メールで誰かバルセロナのSalon del Mangaの質問を送った。質問は「櫻井さんと輝喜さんはSalon del Mangaに行きたいですか」だった。輝喜さんは行きたいと言った。:*:・(*´ω`)そして櫻井さんはたぶんもう一度行くと言った (^-^〃)♪
In fact, there was a translator who was translating all the time from Japanese to English and from English to Japanaese. I was so happy because my Japanese is still poor and I was so nervous, so I preferred to talk in English. I could understand many things of what they were saying in Japanese but it was difficult for me to speak in Japanese in that moment (^_^;) Anyway, I said some silly/easy things in Japanese which I didn't need to think a lot to say them hahaha (*´∀`), but I asked my question in English.
It was a really amazing ustream! There were a lot of funny questions! They even talked about K-ON (´▽`) haha
Teruki noticed the Budokan towel behind us (*^0゚) Sakurai told him that we had been to that concert haha. There was also a mother and a daughter among the Japanese audience in the room (^_^)
輝喜さんは日本武道館のタオルを見た↑↑↑! (*^0゚) そして櫻井さんは輝喜さんに内の母と私が日本武道館のライブに行ったと言った★☆ユーストの部屋でも親子はいた。すごいですね(^_^)
The ustream started at 4 in the morning in Spain and it ended at 5. Anyway, I didn't go to sleep until it was 6, more or less, because I got a lot of tweets from friends and cafekko\(★´−`)人(´▽`★)/ People were so kind to me☆
It was a little difficult to talk in the ustream because the sound was delayed (*´△`*) but I did my best(゚▽゚●)♪
音が遅れてしたから、時々話すことが難しかった (*´△`*) しかし頑張りました!(゚▽゚●)♪
And these are some of the photos that Hamatteru, An Cafe Mexico and Sara Diana (Oirisyelar) took for me↓↓↓Thank you!!(*^ω^)人(^ω^*)
I want to say thank you to Sakurai for inviting me, to his assistant Yu for being patient and helping me, to Teruki for making this ustream so nyappy, to my mother to appear with me in the ustream and to all friends and cafekko who helped me, watched the ustream and sent kind tweets to me! Thank you very much!!m(。≧Д≦。)m
Teruki sent us a tweet in Spanish!(´∀`●) He said "Thanks for today. However, I could only talk a little with you. Let's talk again/more one day!(*^ω^*)"
By the way, I think you'll be able to watch the whole ustream here if you missed it yesterday!