
Broken Doll concert and a day with Saaya in Harajuku!!

Hello!!!!!!!!! I really wanted to write my blog but I didn’t have enough time (;・д・ ) I uploaded a lot of pics on my Instagram and Twitter! ( @sarah_nyappy ) I hope I can write more on my blog from now on, too (≧ω≦)
久しぶり!!!!ブログを書きたかったけど、最近時間がなかった(;・д・ )インスタやツイッター(@sarah_nyappy)に写真をたくさんアップした☆!これからブログを何回も書きたいーーー!(≧ω≦)


I met Saaya in Harajuku and we went to Kawaii Monster Café ☆ We got a pic taken on the carousel! (´。✪ω✪。`)

Then we saw some shops and we took purikura (*′∀`*)


Another day I went to a Broken Doll concert in Koenji! I had fun o(*゚▽゚)o Everyone was very friendly!!!