As I had a good number in my ticket, I was in the second row (*゚∀゚*)!!! I was in front of Teruki and Kanon ☆ and very happy, indeed (*´∀`*)
Then I looked up and I saw Ryu! He was a guest, so he was on the second floor♪ He went downstairs and waved his hand from the back of the room ( ・ω・)ノシ♪ I was happy!! (*^ω^*)
それから、回って見上げて、リュウさんを見かけたーー☆ゲストだったから、二階にいた♪リュウさんは階下に行って、後ろから手を振ってくれた( ・ω・)ノシ♪嬉しかったよ(*^ω^*)
The set list of this concert was awesome!☆ Some of the songs they played were Itai Onna, Lock On ☆the☆ O New Sekai, RoMAN, Bee Myself Bee Yourself, The anti-aging versions of Tekesuta Kōsen and Escapism, Nyappy in the World 4, Duck’s Magical Adventure, Kimi no Machi, Smile Ichiban Ii Onna, Bonds~Kizuna~ and more! o(≧∀≦)o The MCs were very funny ☆!! Also, I really enjoyed the part when we danced “Etcetera in Kimi no Machi” ♪o(^0^o)♪~(o^0^)o ~♪ Moreover, Aichi won on the day of the concert \(^o^)/
ライブのセットリストは素晴らしかったよ☆イタイ女やLOCK ON☆ザ☆御NEW世界や狼MANやBee Myself Bee Yourselfやテケスタ光線~アンチエイジングver~やエスカピズム~アンチエイジングver~やNyappy in the World 4やダックのマジカルアドベンチャーやアメージングブルーやキミノマチやスマイル一番イイ♀やBondS~絆~などやったo(≧∀≦)oMCもとても面白かったよ☆そして「エトセトラinキミノマチ」のダンスの時はめっちゃ楽しかった♪o(^0^o)♪~(o^0^)o ~♪!!!それに、ライブの日に愛知は勝ったよ\(^o^)/
When the concert ended, I took part in the shake-hands event☆ I told the members that it had been a while since we met the last time and that I had had a lot of fun during the concert (^▽^) First I shook hands with Teruki and while I was saying “It’s been a while”, he said “Ooooh!! Spain, isn’t it?!” (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I was happy he remembered me ☆!!!
Before going out of the concert hall, Junior told my mother and I “Thank you!” (^ω^)♪ He’s very kind!
When I went out, I met Ryu and I could talk to him! ♪ Also, we got some photos together ☆ I was very happy to meet him this year, too ☆ Thank you, always (*´ω`*)
Ryu gave me SKE’s “Utsukushii Inazuma” and AKB’s “Sayonara Crawl” CDs ☆Thank you o(*゚▽゚*)o !! These songs are very good ♪I put these CDs on my shelf ☆
Mitsuki couldn’t come to the concert>< I hope I can meet her again one day ☆ but thanks to Ryu I received a present from her♪ It was her new novel!! Mitsuki and Ryu, thanks ☆!! Everyone, give a chance and read Mitsuki’s novels too, please ☆
美月さんはライブに来れなかった><いつかまた会いたいです☆でもリュウさんのおかげで美月さんにプレゼントをもらった♪美月さんの新しい小説をもらったo(*゚▽゚*)o美月さんとリュウさん、ありがとうございました☆!! 皆さんも、この小説を読んでみてください☆
When I went back to the hotel, I ate a matcha roll-cake and I drank a matcha latte ☆ As Ryo and Yukirun were staying at the same hotel, we decided to meet again in the lobby on the next day at 10 o’clock ☆
While my mother and I were going to the lobby we got an awesome shock☆!! When I got on the elevator I saw someone I knew …! Takuya!! An Cafe had also been staying at the same hotel as us!!!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I told him good morning hahahaha When we arrived at the lobby, Teruki and Miku were sitting on a sofa! However, as the elevator was behind the sofa, they didn’t see me. I approached from the back and I said “ohayooo” (good morniiiing) to Teruki hahaha I think Teruki was surprised (・ω・) hahaha Then, Yuki and Kanon arrived ☆ I told them to do their best/good luck for that day, too o(≧∀≦)o Teruki told me “Gracias!!!” (*´∀`*) (it means “Thank you” in Spanish) I was so happy (*´∀`*)
母と一緒にロビーに行くとき、びっくりした☆!エレベーターに入ったとき、知っている人を見た・・・!takuyaさん!!アンカフェは同じホテルに泊まったーーーーーー(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))「おはよう!」と言った(笑)ロビーに着いたら、輝喜さんとみくさんはソファーに座っていたよ!でもエレベーターはソファーの後ろにあったから、私を見なかった。私は後ろから輝喜さんに近づいて、「おはよう!」と言った(笑)輝喜さんがびっくりしたと思う(・ω・)wwそれからゆうきさんとカノンさんも来た☆私は「今日も頑張ってください」と言ったo(≧∀≦)o輝喜さんは「グラシアス!!!」と言ってくれた (*´∀`*)嬉しかった〜(*´∀`*)スペイン語で「ありがとう」という意味です☆
When An Cafe went out of the hotel, Ryo and Yukirun arrived! As An Cafe members were still putting things in the van, we greeted them waving our hands from the window of the lobby (*゚▽゚*)ノシ
Teruki wrote “LOVE” with his arms fom outside ♡ !!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))← It was like the choreography of Nyappy in the World 2 ♪ So cute (*´ω`*)!!! Thank you very much ☆ I was happy♡!!! (*≧ω≦*)
外から輝喜さんは手でLOVEと書いてくれた♡!!!!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))←Nyappy in the World 2の振り付けみたいに♪めっちゃ可愛かったよーーーーーー(*´ω`*)本当にありがとう☆嬉しかったよ♡(*≧ω≦*)
Then I received a letter fromYukirun and a letter and some snacks from Ryo ☆ Yukirun, Ryo, Thank you (*^∇^*)!!!
ゆきるんに手紙をもらって、りょうちゃんに手紙とお菓子をもらった☆ゆきるん、りょうちゃん、ありがとう(*^∇^*)!! !
Thanks to everyone I was very happy ☆ Thanks for making nice memories with me (*;ω;*)
Thank you very much!!!
Let’s meet again o(≧∀≦)o