

These are the things I got at UFO catcher in Japan this year☆ Yui figure is from Akihabara and the rest are from Roppongi. Are you good or bad at UFO catcher? I think I’m not very good but I was happy to get these things haha (*´∀`*)

In Akiba with Yui figure \(^O^)/↑

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚* ☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

I would like to recommend you a manga called “Ojikoi”. I usually only read BL hahaha but this is a shojo manga. It’s very interesting, cute and funny (^ω^) Moreover, it’s on their official web so you can read it for free. If you have time, please try to read it!


  1. I'm very sure i'm not at UFO catcher hahaha
    but i hope to get such nice things when i try it!
    you got cute things (^o^)
    oh i'll read the manga in my free time for sure thanks for the recomendation!

    awesome outfit btw

    1. Thank you!
      I'm glad you like the things I got (^ω^)

  2. Sorry but what is the UFO Catcher? >.<

    The plushies and figurine look very nice!

    What is the manga about? Have you read Lovely Complex, I love this manga. Also, what does BL stand for? Thank You

    1. A UFO catcher is a type of an arcade game. It consists in "fishing" different objects, like toys or figures. I'm sure you've seen UFO catchers but maybe they're called in another away where you live (^_^)

      Ojikoi is about a young girl who falls in love with her boss ☆
      I also really like Lovely Complex! I like this kind of shojo manga. Maybe if you enjoyed reading Lovely Complex, you would also like Ojikoi, because they aren't the typical shojo manga. Well, at least I believe you should give it a try (^O^) I think that you can find it in English in other webs, you only have to google "Ojikoi" and you'll find it (^ω^)

      BL means "Boys' Love". This type of manga is about love relationships among men, but the ones who usually read BL are women.

    2. I see, I think I would like Ojikoi, it sounds like some kind of stories that I would enjoy, I do not really like 'Naruto', 'One Piece' or 'Death Note', I don't like stories with mythical creatures.

      I believe you may like the manga 'You're My Pet', there's also a Korean drama adaption! I have never read the manga though. One of my favourite manga is Yotsuba and !, it's quite childish!

      UFO catchers...ahhhh.... I think they have different names where I live but I love the ones with sweets! The toys in the ones you are play are really good. Was it diffcult?

      Thanks for the explanations.

    3. Oh, thanks for telling me! I'll try to read the manga or watch the drama (^ω^)
      Well, I think that I was very lucky (because I'm not a UFO catcher pro hahaha)

    4. It's okay... you always tell me things too!

      I'm really bad at UFO Catcher's!

      I like Arcade games though.

  3. Holaaaa!!

    wooo!! qué hábil eres! porque yo tengo 3 cosillas, además creo que son , contadas vamos XD y porque me las regalaron, yo soy tremendamente inútil con las máquinas esas, el gancho parece tonto o sin fuerza XD
    no sé si a ti te habrá pasado, pero al menos algunas de las veces que yo estaba presente cuando jugaron, los del staff te abrían la máquina, aplastaban al muñeco para darle forma y lo colocaban y te daban consejos para que cayera en el agujero, esto sólo con los muñecos de tamaño grande, yo procuraba jugar cuando no había nadie del staff porque me daba apuro (y supongo que ellos huían de mí XD)
    esto es normal? lo de que abran la máquina y tal.
    En esa foto te queda muy bien la ropa, al menos lo que la bolsa deja ver, te hace las piernas largas! y es muy mona.
    Sobre tu última respuesta, no sé si con los que tú andas en Japón lo hacen o no, o si es habitual entre la gente joven, por mi novio ando con gente que ronda los 30 años, un poco arriba un poco abajo y son bastante dados a beber (también será por el ambiente de trabajo de él)los típicos que al salir del trabajo les gusta ir a beber o al ir a cenar un restaurante piden muchas cervezas y yo noto que es cuando más sueltos y relajados están y son capaces de hablar más cosas conmigo y quieras que no el alcohol desata un poco a la gente, por eso lo decía.
    Creo que es algo normal no? lo del beber.

    Nos vemos!!

    1. Holaaaa!

      Siii, el staff ayuda a los jugadores! Yo vi que lo hacían con figuras o con objetos de "más valor" (con los peluches pequeños no). A mi una chica me ayudó con la figura! Ella iba mirando y si veía que metía el gancho en el aro pero la muñeca no se movía, abría la maquina y la recolocaba un poco. Había varia gente jugando en ese piso, y todos tenían gente del staff cerca que los iban mirando para ver si era necesario tocar un poco el muñeco o no (^ω^)

      Aah, sisisi, ya te entendí con lo de beber pero me hizo gracia en ese momento hahaha! Pero sí, tienes razón, seguro que se sueltan más haha!

  4. i don't play ufo catcher very often because the plushies that you can find here aren't very cute (>_<) but i'm good at the ufo catcher of sweets(^O^)

    kyaaa the prizes you get are so cute!!! all the ufo catcher in japan have this kind of things? because maybe if in the catchers in my city had cuter prizes i would play more often.

    1. Ooh, it's great that you're good at UFO catcher \(^O^)/
      Yeah, in Japan there are very cute prizes. I don't play UFO catcher in Spain either, because I don't like the stuff you can get here (;v;) but in Japan you can "fish" adorable toys, figures and more things ☆ミ

  5. Awwww, I love Yui's figure! カワイイ!( -∀- )
    Haha, I'm also a big lover of BL, but I read more fanfiction than actual manga 笑
    I'll check your suggestion (≧ω≦)

    1. Yes, Yui is very cute \(^O^)/
      BL is great, isn't it? haha (^p^)
      I hope you like this manga! All the kanji have furigana, so I think that it isn't very difficult to read. However, I believe you can find it translated into English on other webs. You only have to google "Oijikoi" (^O^)

  6. Omg la Yui és adorable *-* Com va el merchandising allà, suposo que no serà tant car com aquí oi? I suposo que també hi hauràn menys copies fakes XD

    1. Sii, a mi també m'agrada molt! Si les aconsegueixes totes fan "LONDON" amb les mans (^ω^) Però amb la Yui sola només tinc "LO" hahahaha

      Doncs sobre merchandising hi ha de tot, car i no tan car. Tot i així, si pots treure una figura del UFO catcher, normalment et surt més bé de preu que una semblant comprada a la botiga ☆

  7. oh, you seem to be a real pro at ufo-catching. I always have to try several times - and even then, I fail to be successful often *sulks*

    1. Oh, no, I'm not a pro hahaha I think I was very lucky! (^ω^)


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