
Chocolate, outfits, nails!☆ミ

Some days ago I went to have a hot chocolate with my mother. It was delicious! (⋈・◡・)✰

Also, recently I did my nails. I used some nail patch that I had got fron Mariona for my birthday in January. They’re very useful and easy to apply! Have you used them? (☆^ー^☆)

Are you busy these days? I’m working hard at university and baito! Let’s do your best!!! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
最近忙しいの?私は大学もバイトも頑張ってます。皆さん、お互いに頑張りましょうね (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑


  1. Hace tiempo que tomo chocolate caliente, me provoco (^o^) haha!
    tus uñas quedaron preciosas! compre algo parecido pero son como estrellitas pero mis uñas se partieron, espero que crezcan de nuevo (; - ;)
    Me gustaron mucho todos los outfits :D

    1. Muchas gracias!
      Ooh, de estrellas? Seguro que era muy bonito ( ´ ▽ ` )

  2. ホットチョコレト美味しそう!(゚∀゚*)
    I love your outfits, specially the last one, so cute!
    Oh, you're working? I've trying to find a place to work too to help university, but here it's hard to find something orz
    バイトと学校頑張ってください!( -∀- )ノ

    1. 美味しかったよ(☆^O^☆)
      Thank you very much!
      I hope you can find a job! ファイト\(^ ^)/

  3. Saraaah! sóc la Nuriaa! et trobo a faltar molt! (vaig llegint el teu blog encara que no comenti jajaja :p) T_T aquest estiu no et vaig dir res de quedar perquè gairebé no vaig poder disfrutar-lo... al septembre tenia recus i estava agobiadísima tia, i ara ja he començat examens, i entre això i el cosplay del saló e.e jajajaja quan passi el saló podriem quedar, perquè crec que tindré una mica menys de feina saidhsfcujshd

    un petó enorme i que vagi genial tooot guapa! <3

    1. Holaaaa!!
      Siii, doncs ja em diràs de quedar quan et vagi bé!! \(^ ^)/
      De que fas cosplay?(^o^) Potser ens veiem per allà el Saló també (☆^ー^☆)
      Un petó! ☆ミ

  4. Me encantan las uñas ^^. Hace poco me compré unas pegatinas de esas pero aún no he probado a ponermelas T^T.
    La diadema rosa con pinchitos es preciosa, te sienta súper bien *o*

    1. Muchas gracias!!☆
      Woo, subirás fotos de tus uñas en tu blog cuando pruebes las pegatinas? (^▽^)

  5. I have used those nail things before, they save time and you don't need to wait for it to dry but mine fell off, a few days later so maybe I did it wrong?

    Your outfits look very nice!

    The hot chocolate looks so yummy~

    1. Oh! Mine have lasted a lot of days! Maybe it depends on the brand (?) Well, I don't know...because these are the first ones I've ever tried haha (^-^)

      Thank you very much!! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

  6. i love hot chocolate!! *_______*
    i like your nails! and they are pretty long! i like the nail designs but i can't use any of them ;__; xD i play guitar and play basketball in my school...so i can't decorate them or let them grow...i only use black nail polish ..but it's ok!
    the white shoes and the skirts in your outfits are new? they look cool ^^

    1. Hot chocolate is very yummy, isn't it? (^Q^)
      Thank you very much!
      Oh, I think black nail-polish is cool ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
      Yes, they're new! I bought them in Japan (^^)

  7. cute photo! the first one.. youre so pretty >_<

    omg, zour nails are so long .o.
    are they natural?

    have a new blog too^^

    1. Thank you very much!! You're very kind (*^▽^*)
      Yes, they're very natural nails (*^^*)

  8. awww. you're so cute! :)))
    anyway, i hope you could join my giveaway! http://raellarina.blogspot.com/2012/10/raellarinas-1st-bday-giveaway-series.html it's open internationally :))
    xoxo. :3

  9. Awww this chocolate looks so delicious,it is my fav food :D ^___^ and I love all ur outfits as always!!!They are really inspirational and luv ur shoes with star and skirts!!! <3

    1. Thank you!! Chocolate is so yummy, isn't it (^Q^)
      Ooh, I'm glad you like them!! (*^^*)


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