
Natsu Koi★Natsu Game

Last summer I went to Japan for the first time. On those days there was an exhibition of An Cafe outfits of Natsu Koi★Natsu Game PV at Zeal Link ヽ(゚ー゚*ヽ)(ノ*゚ー゚)ノ

I didn't know where Zeal Link was so my parents and I had to find it♪☆! It was and adventure because first we went to the wrong one! (so, at least, there are two Zeal Link shops haha☆). Anyway, that wasn't bad because the shop-assistant of the first Zeal Link showed me a plushie of an Eiffel Tower and she told me that it had been a present from Teruki for the shop! So I was very happy to see it (*´ー`*)

Finally, we found the Zeal Link where the outfits were being shown! It was on the highest floor of OIOI ONE and now I really love OIOI ONE.

I was so happy. All the outfits were even nicer than in the PV. They were LOVELY♥ (*´・ω・`*)


  1. OMG! What shop is that? it is heaven? O_O

  2. yo lo estuve buscando como loca y no lo encontreeee Y___Y q trauma, dando vueltas sin parar, el mapa de la pagina oficial estaba mal Y_Y

  3. jo sempre m'he preguntat... què és exactament el 0101? té alguna cosa a veure amb el 109? O.o'!


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