

I hardly ever remember to take photos of food but I want to do it ( ;∀;)! I took some photos of some cute food that I ate in the UK \(*^▽^*)/

The first day I wasn't very hungry so I didn't know what to eat for dinner. Finally, I decided to eat a chocolate cupcake and a hot chocolate! yummy~~~~ (人*´∀`)

nyappy! o(≧∀≦)o

Another day we went to Brighton and we had lunch in a cupcake shop (o´ω`o)

All their cupcakes were so cute☆!! I ate a vanilla cupcake and a cup of tea (〃^∇^)

Another day we had lunch in a Japanese restaurant and this was my dessert: a chocolate mochi★! It was delicious ( ´¬`)♥


  1. OMG the pink cupcake looks to die for!!! Nyammy!!!
    And you're so cute, haha keep posting cute cupcakes lol <3

  2. Vi que te gustan los Pocky *-*
    Supongo que lo sabras, hay una tienda en arco de triunfo que los vende *__*
    Los probe al ver que los ponias en tu blog ^^

  3. El pastelito rosa con estrellitas es...es...puro amor! me daria lastima hasta comermelo, porque es una monada :D
    un besito y a cuidarse!

  4. Oh, you're cute ^^ I really like cupcakes *-*


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★