
I met Alex! ☆

This month I met Alex for the first time! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) As he really likes hide he showed us the Lemoned shop. I’d never been there and as I like hide too, I was very happy to see it☆\(^o^)/

We walked and saw several interesting places and then we went to another shop, Toy Sapiens ( ´ ▽ ` ) In this shop there were a lot of toys and very well made figures♪
散歩したり面白い場所を見たりした( ´ ▽ ` )アレックスさんはトイサピエンスというすごいフィギュアやおもちゃのお店も見せてくれた♪

We also took some purikura☆! ☪₊˚‧ ✩*꒰꒡ॢᗜ꒡ॢ❁꒱
一緒にプリクラを撮った☆!☪₊˚‧ ✩*꒰꒡ॢᗜ꒡ॢ❁꒱

I had a lot of fun☆!! I was very glad to meet him (o‘∀‘o)*:◦♪ Thank you!!!!!! ☆♡


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★