
Vivienne Westwood, Moschino and Tombo! ☆

When I went to London this month, I visited Vivienne Westwood shop. Sadly, I didn’t find anything I wanted this time… (˚ ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) 
今月ロンドンに行ったらヴィヴィアンウェストウッドのお店に行った☆!!でも今回、何も買わなかった・・・残念です(˚ ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )

In the same street there was a Moschino shop☆! It was the first time I went there and I have to say it’s a very beautiful shop ♡*:.。.(*๓´╰╯`๓*).。.:*♡

Fortunately they had the T-shirt I wanted!! It was the only one left. It’s from the collection Ready to Bear ❤(。☌ᴗ☌。)
ずっと欲しかったTシャツがあった!!1つしかなかったから、ラッキー☆Ready to Bearというコレックションの商品です❤(。☌ᴗ☌。)

Also I went to Tombo, a Japanese café and matcha bar. My mother told me this place☆!! I went there twice ٩( *´ω`* )۶♬*゜
Tomboという日本料理のカフェと抹茶バーへ2回ご飯に行った ٩( *´ω`* )۶♬*゜母はこの場所を教えてくれた☆

On the first day I ate katsu curry and the other day I had udon with tofu, aka kitsune udon (っ ॑꒳ ॑c)
初回カツカレーを食べて、次回きつねうどんにした(っ ॑꒳ ॑c)

On both days I ate this delicious matcha parfait!! Their matcha ice cream is so good, the flavour of the matcha is very intense and strong ٩(๑ᵒ̴̶̷͈̀ ᗜ ᵒ̴̶̷͈́)و ̑̑ ✧イェ~ィ .:*
両日抹茶パフェも食べた☆このお店の抹茶アイスの味は強くてとっても美味しかった٩(๑ᵒ̴̶̷͈̀ ᗜ ᵒ̴̶̷͈́)و ̑̑ ✧イェ~ィ .:*


  1. I live in London, but I've never seen that Tombo Japanese restaurant before! I need to go there soon~
    Minae ♥ Minaekei

    1. I hope you can go to Tombo soon!! Their matcha ice-cream is very yummy (≧▽≦)

  2. I do love that t-shirt, it's so cute and really suits you. ^^



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