
Japanese food and Yuuki's replies ☆

Yesterday I went for the first time to a restaurant called Rio with some university friends, Marina and Anna. This place is an okonomiyaki restaurant located in Barcelona(^ω^)

They had Osaka style and Hiroshima style okonomiyaki. I ordered the Osaka style one with bacon ♪(^▽^)☆

Then we went to Akashi Gallery. I ate taiyaki and matcha furoto\(^o^)/ It was a nice day ヽ(^ω^)ノ♪


Today I got two replies from Yuuki of An Cafe! As he went to a friend’s wedding, I asked him about the wedding and he told me that it had been very nice and he got moved. I also asked him about his school graduation and he told me his memories about it. I was very happy! o(≧∀≦)o


  1. Congratulations on the replies o(≧∀≦)o Yuuki always is very kind, isn't he?

    The okonomiyaki looks very tasty, as well as the matcha furoto and taiyaki! I definitely want to go there when I'm in Barcelona this summerヾ(。╹◡╹。)ノ゙Hopefully I'm able to find it(笑)

    1. Thanks! Yes, he is o(≧∀≦)o
      Everything was delicious (^Q^)
      Japanese food is very good, isn't it? (^ω^)

  2. It looks delicious! I'm glad one of your idols have answered you! ^^

    1. Everything was very tasty (^ω^)
      Thank you very much!!☆

  3. Waaa quina bona pinta *A* tot i que a mi el bacon no m'agrada massa >___< però per lo altre sembla molt bo *O* és com una mena de pizza, no? El taiyaki el vaig provar un cop al Saló i està boníssim!
    Me'n alegro per les respostes ^^

    1. Estava molt bo (^O^)
      També n'hi havia un sense bacon i un altre que portava marisc ☆
      Sí, hi ha gent que diu que és la pizza japonesa pero el gust i la textura els trobo bastant diferents de la pizza hahaha! Tot i que a mi m'agraden les dues coses (la pizza i l'okonomiyaki)

  4. aww~that's so cute that his replies are so detailed and down to earth ^.^ the okonomiyaki looks quite good❤ you always introduce the best places for yummy treats in Barcelona❤

    1. Thanks for your comment (^∀^)
      A friend (Marina) told me about this restaurant (^-^)

  5. How come in Spanish you have so much asian restaurants?! I wanna go there too, Hi from portugal! haha

    1. Hi!
      Thanks for your comment (^ω^)

      I don't know if there are a lot of Asian restaurants in other cities of Spain but it's true that there are a lot of Japanese cafés and restaurants in Barcelona. It seems that Japanese food has become very popular and a lot of people are starting to run new business related to Asian cuisine (^ω^)

  6. apa quin lloc mes macu! i el menjar fa molt bona cara! >3<

  7. cool! i like the jacket with tartan ornaments you are wearing :D

    the okonomiyaki is delicious! *-* it's one of my favorite japanese dishes.

    congrats for the replies ^^ but seriously i can't imagine yuuki in school xD

    1. Thank you!!☆
      I would like to see photos of Yuuki when he was a student! haha (^^)

  8. holaaa!!!el okonomiyaki se ve muy rico!!!que bueno lo de yuuki!!!pasate un gran dia no?espero que los sigas pasando o(n_n)o!!!!por cierto has escuchado al grupo ZORO?si no los has escuchado te recomiendo que veas el video "kitsune" es muy bueno y la letra es hermosa!!ta aseguro que te van a gustar!o(n_n)o y otro es YOHIO con "sky limit"son realmente buenos!nyappy bye!!!!

    1. Hola!!
      Sí, conozco ZORO! Y la primera canción que escuché de ellos fue Kitsune hahaha (^^) Yohio es un cantantes de visual kei sueco, verdad? Gracias por las recomendaciones!!☆ (^∀^)

  9. Wow that's really cool that you got a reply from
    Yuuki, it's a shame, I can't read Japanese therefore
    I don't understand his tweets. The food you eat looks super
    yummy too

    1. Thanks!!!o(≧∀≦)o
      The food was delicious (^O^)

  10. Holaaaa~

    Oh! así me gusta...al estilo Osaka XD
    me encantan tus meeeediaaas, en serio, se ven geniales! y qué suerte que podáis ir a ese tipo de locales.
    A qué sabía el vaso ese de color verde? sé que seguramente en matcha, pero no puedo evitar preguntarme si sería dulce o amargo...
    Creo de debías ser la única que intuía lo de irme a estudiar a Japón, la verdad XD
    en tu carrera el último año lo puedes hacer allí no? te vas a animar, me imagino, verdad?

    1. Hola!!!

      Tu también podrás ir a muchos locales así pronto (*ゝωб*)
      Sí, era de matcha. No era muy dulce haha (^^)

      En Estudios de Asia Oriental puedes ir a hacer un curso (normalmente tercero o cuarto) en un país de Asia. Usualmente la gente se va al país de la lengua que está estudiando (Japón los de japonés y China continental o Taiwan los de chino), pero también hay gente que se va a Corea. A mi me gustaría ir pero es bastante caro así que no puedo permitírmelo (>_<) El año que viene (que es el último) lo haré aquí y después ya se verá! Por supuesto, mi intención es ir a vivir a Japón en un futuro pero primero acabaré los estudios aquí.

  11. More food! <3
    It seems great, as always!
    Congratulations on the replies (*´エ`*)
    And your skirt is so pretty ♥


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