
Live Cafe Tour 2012 -Nyappy Go Around The World III- Tadaima o(≧∀≦)o Okaeri o(≧∀≦)o

On 16th November my mother and I woke up and went to the airport. We took a plane to go to Milan to meet An Cafe! o(≧∀≦)o Once we arrived, we took a train to the city centre! ☆


My nails for the concert☆

Then, we checked in at the hotel and had lunch in an Italian food restaurant. We ate a very delicious pizza (っ´∀`c)

Afterwards, we went back to the hotel and went to the concert hall☆ We could see the Red Car bus from far away!!! ヽ(*゚∀゚*)ノ

 I was glad to meet Junior! Thanks for taking a photo with me o(≧∀≦)o

I met Mana from Germany and Nana from France! ( ・▽・ )
ドイツ人のマナちゃんとフランス人のナナちゃんに会った( ・▽・ )

I also met some Italian cafekko☆ I took a photo with Isa! o(≧∀≦)o

At the Tea Party I could seat near Teruki so I was very happy! (´∀`) Teruki was very kind and friendly! I was glad he remembered who I was ☆ An Cafe replied to some questions from cafekko. I didn’t ask any questions but I talked a little to them in Japanese. I told them that I had come from Spain and I thanked them for coming to Europe. I also told them that Summer Dive was great! Miku was surprised that I had gone to Summer Dive haha (^^) Then, when we took the cheki, Teruki told Miku “She also went to Budokan!” (*゚∀゚*) Also, I gave greetings from Ryu to Kanon this year, too! (´∀`) haha☆
VIPティーパーティーの時に、輝喜さんの近くに座っていたので、嬉しかった(´∀`)輝喜さんはとても優しくて、親切だった。私の事を覚えてくれたから、本当に幸せだった☆アンカフェはカフェっ仔からの質問を答えた。私は質問をしなくて、日本語で少し話した。「 スペインから来ました。ヨーロッパに来てくれてありがとう。サマダイはとても楽しかったです!」と言った。サマダイに行ったので、みくさんはびっくりした!(笑)後で、チェキを撮った時に、輝喜さんはみくさんに「(サラは)武道館にも行った!」と言った(*゚∀゚*)あ、そして私はカノンさんに「今年もリュウさんからよろしく!」と言った(´∀`)笑☆

Teruki told Kanon “Do you remember her? She appeared on Sakurai’s ustream!” ( ・▽・ ) and Kanon replied “yes, yes” hahaha! Also, the members asked us what other Japanese bands we liked. Everyone said different bands. I told Teruki “Spyralcall” and he replied “(*`ω´*)b!!” haha (´∀`)
輝喜さんはカノンさんに「覚えているの??(サラは)櫻井さんのユーストに出た!」と言った( ・▽・ )!カノンさんは「はい、はい」と答えた(笑)メンバーさんはカフェっ仔に「アンカフェの他に、どの日本のバンドが好きですか」と聞いた。みんなは色々なバンドと言った。私は「スパイラルコール」と言って、輝喜さんは「(*`ω´*)b!」と答えた(´∀`)

My mother told them in English to please come to Spain next time and the translator, translated it to them. Teruki said that it was a pity that they couldn’t have come this time. Thanks, Teruki! (;;)

I was very happy to meet An Cafe! Also, I was very glad to be able to talk to Teruki (*´ω`*) Thanks for being so kind!! *゚。+(n´v`n)+。゚* I was glad we met☆ The translator and Junior were also very nice people! Thanks for everything (^^)

I tried to scan the cheki☆ Everyone from An Cafe look very cool! I like Teruki’s smiling face ヽ(〃v〃)ノ Before taking the picture I gave them some little presents and letters o(≧∀≦)o
チェキをスキャンしてみた☆アンカフェのみんなはかっこいいね☆輝喜さんの笑顔が大好きヽ(〃v〃)ノ チェキを撮る前にアンカフェに小さい物と手紙をプレゼントしたo(≧∀≦)o

The cafekko who joined the Tea Party received the spoon from Budokan, a Nyappy Light and a signed poster o(≧∀≦)o

After the Tea Party, the VIP could remain in the concert hall so I could get on the first row! I was very happy!! (´∀`) I was in front of Kanon and Teruki☆ 

Before the concert, I went to buy some goods. However, there were only some T-shirts and the hoodie. It seems that they had become sold out in the pervious concerts (?) so they didn’t arrive in Milan >< However, I was glad I could buy a T-shirt and a hoodie (^▽^) Then, my mother bought me the “o(≧∀≦)o” T-shirt. Thank you!! (^ω^)
ライブは始まる前に、グッズを買いに行った。しかしあまりグッズはなかった><いくつかのTシャツとパーカーだけあった。鞄やノートも買いたかったけど、イタリアのライブには小さいグッズがなかった><多分前のライブでSOLD OUTになって、イタリアに着かなかったかな?でも一つのTシャツとパーカが買えて、よかった(^▽^)後で、母は「o(≧∀≦)o」のTシャツを買ってくれた(^ω^)ありがとう☆

The concert was great o(≧∀≦)o!!! The played old and new songs☆ Some of them were Maple Gunman, Wagamama Kōshinkyoku, Kakusei Heroism ~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~, Tekesuta Kōsen, NYAPPY in the world 4, Amazing Blue, Jibun Setsumeisho, Cherry Saku Yuuki!!, Duck no Magical Adventure, MY ♥ LEAPS FOR "C", Bonds ~kizuna~, Smile Ichiban Ii Onna…! I was glad I could use the Summer Dive penlight and the towel o(≧∀≦)o My mother caught a bottle and a top from another bottle from Miku haha (^^) After the live, we all do “3! 2! 1” Tiramisu Tiramisu!!” and Juniord took a photo of An Cafe and cafekko o(≧∀≦)o
ライブはとても楽しかったよo(≧∀≦)o!!昔の曲も新しい曲もあった☆メープルガンマン、我侭行進曲、覚醒ヒロイズム ~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~、エスカピズム、テケスタ光線、NYAPPY in the world 4、アメージングブルー、じぶん説明書、Cherry咲く勇気!!、ダックのマジカルアドベンチャー、MY ♥ LEAPS FOR "C"、BondS~絆~、スマイル一番イイ♀などあった。サマダイのペンライトとタオルが使えて嬉しかった o(≧∀≦)o母はみくさんのボトルと他のボトルのキャップをキャッチした!笑。ライブは終わったとき、みんなで「3!2!1!ティラミス☆ティラミス」をして、ジュニアさんはアンカフェとカフェっ仔に写真を撮ってくれたo(≧∀≦)o

An Cafe, thank you very much! It was awesome!! o(≧∀≦)o I was very happy ☆


  1. Oooh, it seems like the live in Milan was really awesome, too! o(≧∀≦)o I'm very happy for you!
    And they played so many nice songsヽ( ・▽・ )ノI wish they did Duck no Magical Adventure in Holland as well, it would be so cool to see that song live and headbang together with all of them!
    What a pity you couldn't buy the other goods(´・ω・`)But the things you bought are really cute! They didn't sell that shirt with the nyappy face here(・o・*)
    And it's so cool they remembered you! Sadly, Kanon didn't seem to remember me from last year's live nor the Ustream(´><`)But all was great nonetheless! I hope they'll recognize me someday though(^^;)笑

    1. Yes, it was great!!o(≧∀≦)o
      During Duck no Magical Adventure, Miku hit my head with his hammer \(☆o◎)/ hahahaha
      It seems that the small goods didn't arrive there because they had become sold out in the previous concerts, but it's ok! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
      Oh, maybe you should have told him that you were the girl who appeared on that ustream (・ω・)!

  2. OMG! i read your entry and seriously i can't wait for the live of the 30th!! (/)*ω*(\) how lucky you are that they recognized you!!
    i'm glad you had a great time in the tea party too! the photo is very cute! (・ω・)
    how many days do you spent in italy? it seems to be an awesome place i hope i can go there one day...but is so far! (-ω-;)

    1. I hope you enjoy the concert in Mexico!!!! o(≧∀≦)o
      Yes!! I was very happy! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
      I went to Milan the day of the concert and I came back the next day hahaha
      I hope you can go to Italy one day! \(^ ^)/

  3. Seems like the live was awesome
    I'm glad you had a great time(^_^)
    the pics are so cute!
    the nyappy light is the cutest thing ever ww

    1. It was wonderful!
      Thank you o(≧∀≦)o
      Yes, the nyappy light is very cute ☆ミ

  4. Thank you for sharing your story of the live :) You are so lucky!
    And that bottle, omg <3

  5. WOW... everything looks so cool~ it seems like An Cafe were really nice and that's so cute that Teruki remembered you~ did Takuya have a haircut? >.< his hair looks a lot shorter and more black.

    The pizza that you eat looks really yummy~You have Miku's waterbottle as a souvenir now (I think I spelt the wrong, sorry).

    Also, my new posts has the pictures of the cakes, I made at my cake sale!

    1. It was awesome! I was very happy (*^^*)
      Takuya had a hair cut last summer. His hair was very short at that time...maybe too short (><;) hahaha
      Now it's longer than before o(^-^)o I think that long hair suits him☆
      The pizza was delicious!
      Yes, it's a very nice souvenir! hahaha

  6. Waaah, vaia finde més guai que has passat! Avui ja t'he vist amb la sudadera i la samarreta noves C: Que guai que ha de ser que el teu grup preferit et reconegui ja! Digne d'admirar, si senyor ;_; Sembla que ho vas passar molt bé~ ^_^

    1. Siii, m'ho vaig passar genial! Va valer molt la pena anar-hi o(≧∀≦)o

  7. It seems it was so much fun! I'm glad you could enjoy it that much!
    Haha, I love the picture you're hiding (笑)
    It's awesome they recognized you, they're really wonderful people ♥
    And I love that bottle!ww

    1. Yes, it was awesome!!
      hahaha that photo is funny, isn't it? haha (^p^)
      I'm very happy I could meet them (*^^*)

  8. sounds like you had a happy-fan-girly day ^-^y I love your pink nail design with those little stars *kawaii*

    1. It was an awesome day! o(≧∀≦)o
      Thank you!! I'm glad you like them ★

  9. i was happy to meet you too ^___________^!!!!!!!!!

    i hope we can meet again some day

    1. I was glad to meet you, too! ☆
      Yes, I also hope so o(≧∀≦)o

  10. WOW!!!!!!! genial nota sobre el concierto!! (>u<)♥ ~entonces se les puede entregar regalos a los miembros en la Vip Tea Party?♥ y se puede tomar mas fotos con ellos? ;O;!!!

    1. Sí, les puedes dar tus regalos durante la Tea Party, antes de hacerte el cheki con ellos (^-^)
      En Europa cada persona con entrada VIP se podía hacer 1 cheki (foto polaroid) con ellos. No se podían hacer más fotos.

  11. You look so cute,I love ur rings and nails,it seems that you really enjoyed the concert ^___^

    1. Thank you!!!
      Yes, I enjoyed very much o(≧∀≦)o

  12. Que xules les fotos! Al final aniràs a tots els països a veure'ls jaja! Me'n alegro molt de que ho passéssiu bé! :D

    1. Gràcies!
      haha sí, per tot el món o(≧∀≦)o!

  13. やっと、サラちゃんのブログを読むよ!!
    遅くなってしまってごめんねm(_ _;)m

    イタリアのライブとティーパーティーお疲れ様でした(*^_^*)゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜
    もしも、また出たら必ず見るね!!ワクテルキ(*´θ`*)゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜


    1. 濱っ輝ちゃん☆コメントありがとうo(≧∀≦)o



      楽しみにしてくれてありがとうヽ( ・▽・ )ノ

  14. heeeeeeh, nice report >w< It was a very beautiful live!
    That was the first time for me to see an cafe live so i was so exciting *A*
    Hope you enjoy your Italy vacation~

    1. Thanks for your comment!!
      Yes, it was awesome! o(≧∀≦)o


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★