

Today I varnished my nails. These are my real nails (that's why they don't have a perfect shape) (*´∀`*;)

I used Hello Kitty and Anna Sui nail polish★

This is the result (*・∀・)


I also included some CD covers on my Ipod! This way it looks cooler! haha o(≧∀≦)o
My Ipod is full of An Cafe♥ and more Visual Kei bands☆


  1. Aww, what other bands? ^^

    Aww, I wish I had long nails too.. They always breaks :(

  2. pudes escribir bien con el ordenador? yo como trabajo tecleando no las llevo nunca tan tan largas

  3. your nails are quite pretty (´ω`*) (my not XD')

    with the CD covers it looks indeed really cool! makes me wanna buy this ipod even more haha :D

  4. aaaah, doncs no hi havia caigut amb lo del tsu, segurament és per això, hahahaha xD

    Ains, totes les coses de l'Ochiai són boníssimes, oi? a mi m'encanta T__T~~

    Quina enveja d'ungles! Jo utilitzo gairebé sempre postisses, ja que les meves me les acabo menjant xD
    Ains, també t'agrada Ana Sui? Això no pot ser... si esque a mi m'encanta! xD tinc molts pintaungles d'ella també ^^


o(≧∀≦)o comment, please★